Attention, transparency and training: putting people at the centre
Fedegroup draws its strength from the indisputable value of human capital. A company made up of men and women who day in and day out work for the common success and for the success of our company.
For this reason, we are constantly committed to implementing initiatives to improve the well-being and motivation of our collaborators.

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The Fedegroup team is constantly growing!
Check out our open positions and apply.

An initiative made up of tailored benefits and bonuses that cover a wide range of personal and family needs, from grants to help with rising utility bills to covering school tuition and attendance expenses - from kindergarten to professional master’s programmes -, from health services vouchers to refunds of interest on loans and mortgages, from supplementary payments to retirement funds and recreational and cultural activities grants.
An articulated plan aimed at providing stability and a tangible support.

Ho.Re.CaMp is a tailor made project that provides customized training, at no cost, funded entirely by various work incentives. In collaboration with TEKNOUS and many partner companies, Ho.Re.CaMp proves to be a solid tool for companies seeking talented, dedicated professionals and for all young people wishing to enter the professional world of catering and hospitality.